Thursday, November 21, 2019

Staffing Process in Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Staffing Process in Organizations - Essay Example Actually, after the recruitment and apportionment are done, the employees will be prepared to start the work as soon as possible. But, sometimes or most times, the recruited employees should need to be given orientation and training to integrate or assimilate with the working environment and importantly fulfill the work needs. That is, the prospective employees may show optimum interest, performance, etc at the time of recruitment, but after selection, while working in the organization they may underperform. That is, after performing well during the recruitment process and getting the job, they may become over-confident and may not put the same effort during their work. Also, if the organization fails to give them an optimal working environment as promised during the recruitment process, employees may not perform well in that scenario also. So, this where an optimal staffing process through coaching and mentoring will come into the picture, equipping the recruited employees and match ing the job needs of the organization. Staffing involves coaching and mentoring the job seekers to make them fit for a particular job ( As part of the staffing processes, organizations should coach or mentor the recruited staffs and even the old employees, for it reaches the top echelons. â€Å"Coaching and Mentoring can be used to effectively unlock the potential that already exists within any organization. The organization’s most valuable resource is its people or puts more concretely, the knowledge and passion that resides within the hearts and minds of its people... introducing coaching and mentoring within any organization, will reap the benefits to the organization† ( That is, when the recruited employees fall short in their performance, mainly due to lack of skill and  knowledge about the process, they can be coached or mentored.

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