Friday, November 1, 2019

Research and informatics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research and informatics - Essay Example The patient safety technology is transforming the way nurses deliver their care services. The devices are more accurate and less prone to errors that are inherent to human beings. The accuracy guarantees patient safety during medical procedures and treatment (Trossman, 2013). Technology can meet the safety standards set by the institute of medicine, by eliminating errors that are inherent to humans. The concept of â€Å"to err is human† is widely used in medical fields to justify human errors. The concept has multiple weaknesses. It allows health providers to act negligently without any legal implications. In extreme cases, human errors result in the deaths of patients and permanent disability. Use of technology eliminates these errors, increases efficiency and accuracy in medical procedures especially surgical procedures. Evidence shows that technology saves the lives of patients in ways that human efforts alone cannot do (Kleib, Shabe & Allen, 2012). For example, before adoption of extensive application of technology, health providers relied on their senses to detect changes and monitor status of a patient. Use of their senses such as smell, touch, hearing and sight was very subjective and prone to errors. Later on, accurate technology to detect a patient’s physical changes developed (Mitchell, 2011). Policies/guidelines/best practice for patient safety technology and nursing care advocate for building a safer health system by eliminating human errors. The concept of â€Å"to err is human† defines the challenges that hinder improvement of safety in the health care sector. However, technology eliminates these human limitations and develops a new best practice that builds a safe health system. The new system is more accurate, precise, efficient and secure because technology is less prone to errors than people (Thede & Linda, 2012). Another guideline aims at keeping patients safe by transforming the work environment for nurses. The guideline focuses

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