Monday, January 27, 2020

Neo-Liberals versus Social Democrats in Security and Tax

Neo-Liberals versus Social Democrats in Security and Tax What are the different views of neo-liberals versus social  democrats with regards to social security and taxation? One of the most important features of democracy, that allows it to be such a successful form of government is the diversity of political stances. Social democracy is a political ideology that supports both economic and social interventions. Neo-liberalism however offers juxtaposing economic liberalization policies such as privatization and reduced government spending. Social security and taxation have always been a large topic of discussion, I look to explore the contrasting views held by these two ideologies focussing on the effect that has on the population in UK history. Neo-liberalism has only been around for about thirty years, liberalism refers to economic and political ideas based on the political economy of Adam Smith and neo means a new form of liberalism. Neo-liberalism is associated with laissez faire economics which follows the beliefs that the world is a self-regulating system and there is no need for the involvement of government. Government involvement, according to this economic theory, would include any type of regulation, minimum wage, taxation, or oversight. Laissez-faire economists see taxation on companies as a penalty for production. (, 2003) The popularity of neoliberalism is arguable but was used in many economic policies adopted in the UK and US by political leaders such as Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Raegan in the 1980s. Their main aim is for the market to become dominant as it increases the general performance of the business which puts more money into that countries economy and reduces the role of the state. When public companies become private the general public can buy shares which creates a positive incentive and makes the general public money. In the UK, the shares rocketed in value as soon as they were issued, giving these new shareholders an instant profit of anything between 20% (British Gas) and 85% (British Telecom). (veronica, 2015) With this being the focal point of the policy, it is clear to see that neo-liberalism accentuates economic climb as opposed to social justice. It is argued that this leads to an increase in inequality as the government were selling state assets, which were owned by everyone to a wealthier subset of people which in turn increases the gap between the rich and the poor. (veronica, 2015b) The neoliberal practice of giving public wealth to a small wealthy elitist privatized group, approving tax cuts for the rich and reducing wages for the less fortunate majority is why neo-liberalism is such a controversial political stance. Social democracy was the main political standing held by the public and the government in the UK after the world wars. It supports social and economic interventions, a political movement advocating a gradual and peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism by democratic means. (Merriam-Webster, 2017) William Beveridge is one of the most influential people is social democratic history, his belief in the community and that the well-off should support those in society who are in need and less able started the creation of the welfare state. Social democratic political standing has a far-left ideology, they believe in democratic government and individual freedoms. They highlight the need for the protection of the poor and minority groups, support trade unions, free education and strive for gender equality. Social democrats believe in rewarding talent and hard work rather than privilege which is beneficial as it doesnt waste the talent of individual citizens, which in turn encourages s ociety to become more integrated. In contrast to the beliefs of the neo-liberals, social democrats do not believe that the privatized market is positive asset to the government as its undemocratic. Companies are owned by very few wealthy individuals and as it is not self-regulated which can end in economic crisis with high levels of unemployment and unreasonable inflation which many people cant afford. The welfare state is a safety net for the flaws of free market, it aims to provide a level of social security for many people by redistributing the wealth of the market by taxation. (veronica, 2015c)    Taxation is the amount of money paid to the government by citizens and businesses that is then redistributed into the wider society. The main types of taxation in the UK is: income tax, national insurance, VAT and corporation tax. A tax system that takes a higher proportion of tax from the income of rich than poor is known as a progressive system. Under a regressive system, the poor pay a higher proportion of their income in taxes than the rich. Income taxation is a progressive system, while indirect taxes e.g. VAT tend to be regressive as poorer groups spend a higher proportion of their incomes on VAT. Where social democrats would implement the funding of taxation in systems such as healthcare services and the welfare state, neo-liberals have a very different set of standing views on taxation, seeing high tax as a negative thing for the economy. One of the main goals of many neo-liberals is to privatize public companies with the belief that if privatized, citizens will not have to p ay tax towards the company and only those who use it will have to pay (e.g. privatizing the railway in 1990) making the economy fairer. The idea that cutting taxes will leave room to stimulate economic growth however often leads to public services being exploited for profit, and redesigns systems to become more elitist, something social democracy aims to avoid. In both the UK and the US during the 1980s a political movement that neo-liberalists would view as innovative was implemented. In the US Ronald Raegan reduced the top income tax rates from 70% to 50% and then a 25% reduction in income tax for everyone, in the UK income tax was reduced to 25% for lower and 40% for higher earners. (Ferrara, 2011) Whilst the intent of Mrs Thatcher, a figurehead for neo-liberalism, during this movement was to minimalize the discouraging effect of high tax to those who work hard what transpired was a huge increase in the inequality of financial divide as income tax dropped VAT rose in order to res tore balance to funding, allowing easier purchase for wealthy citizens but not the poor. This is a prime example of how neo-liberalism aims to use taxation to give more responsibility to the individuals of the public by rolling back the state, but often leads to benefiting social and financial hierarchy. Neo liberals judge state intervention as problematic and strive for it to be minimised and conceive taxation to be a burden, often critiquing the high taxes put in place by social democrats. Margaret Thatcher famously said: The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other peoples money. (Mikkelson, 2014) Social democrats believe that the state has a responsibility of its own to look after the public who are lesser abled through the funding created by tax thus showing a clear difference in view. Social security is all forms of financial support provided by the state, it is an essential part of every government however other forms of social security can include aspects not paid by the state .e.g. sick pay. In the UK, the concept was introduced in the early 1900s. It is a system put in place to insuring against the risks of particular events in life, such as unemployment and short-term sickness, relieving poverty or low income, redistributing resources across peoples lifecycles, especially from working age to retirement, redistributing resources from the rich to the poor, compensating for some types of extra cost (such as children or disability) and providing financial support when traditional families break down. (Fox, 2016) Social democrats argue that social security and state intervention is vital to reduce inequalitys and combat social injustice, the belief they hold is every person is interdependent and we will all during our lifetimes pay taxes and receive some form of s ocial security benefits. Social democrats aim to put in place a universalised system of social benefits and security which means that all services are available to all citizens, this eradicates the need for means tested benefits which can be embarrassing and bureaucratic for those who are entitled to claim them; they believe that universal benefits are easier to administer and more effective. For social democrats, the low take up of means tested benefits is an important failing of the current social security system. In 1980, no means tested benefit had more than an 80% take up. (Limited, 2015) The main figure head for social security in the UK was Sir William Beveridge, his push for the creation of a universal and compulsory welfare state and social security system to eradicate inequality by creating a shared and orderly society. There are also many negatives about universal social security the main being the high cost which is the main reason the UK implements less of a universal s ystem today. Neo-liberals have very contrasting view, they see universal provision of benefits and social security as nonsensical; it gives to those who dont need it and wastes resources. Child benefit, for example, costs nearly  £5 billion a year (1988), going to 6.8 million households with 12 million children regardless of income. (Limited, 2015) Neo-liberals ideally want the welfare state and social security to be in line with the residual model which only gives social security and welfare benefits to the deserving poor, the individuals right at the bottom of society. Means testing is a vital part of neoliberal governing, it limits the needs for goods and services by charging for things like dental checkups so will reduce the demand for these services. In the eyes of neo-liberals, poverty is seen as something that is caused by the idleness of the individuals at the bottom of society and isnt considered to be an economic problem to be combatted by the government. Welfare and soc ial security recipients tend to become welfare dependent so become complacent and do not try to earn money in the marketplace relying on the safety net of the state. The contrasting views of social democrats and neo-liberals are obvious. Neo liberals focus on the economic development of a country where as social democrats view social justice as the paramount feature of governing society. There are many drawbacks and needs for both political stances in UK history, where neoliberalism is seen to be the main driving force behind globalization producing wealth for the economy it is argued that it is also the main driving force behind inequality and treats citizens as consumers for the privatized market. Social democrats however reduced inequality by creating state run systems that act as a preventative measure for social ills but this created an economic crisis as the surplus of wealth could not fund the social security and welfare of state run systems so taxes had to be increased and the economy was severely damaged. Taxation and social security will always be a major discussion point in global politics, there will always be a need to both as they a re co-dependent in order to be effective. The only way to achieve a fair democratic system is to compromise between both neo-liberal and social democratic political stances, both considering the economy and social justice as a means to achieve a fully functioning government. References Ferrara, P. (2011) Reaganomics vs. Obamanomics: Facts and figures. Available at: (Accessed: 20 January 2017). Fox, Paul (2016) Available at: (Accessed: 20 January 2017). (2003) Laissez Faire, in Available at: (Accessed: 20 January 2017). Limited, S.Y.M. (2015) Social policy: Philosophies of welfare. Available at: (Accessed: 20 January 2017). Merriam-Webster (2017) Definition of SOCIAL DEMOCRACY. Available at: (Accessed: 20 January 2017). Mikkelson, D. (2014) Margaret Thatcher on socialism. Available at: (Accessed: 20 January 2017). veronica, risie (2015a) The advantages of Privatisation. Available at: (Accessed: 20 January 2017). veronica, risie (2015b) The disadvantages of Privatisation. Available at: (Accessed: 20 January 2017).

Sunday, January 19, 2020

The History of the Roman Government Essay -- Ancient Rome Governmental

The History of the Roman Government The Romans have had almost every type of government there is. They've had a kingdom, a republic, a dictatorship, and an empire. Their democracy would be the basis for most modern democracies. The people have always been involved with and loved their government, no matter what kind it was. They loved being involved in the government, and making decisions concerning everyone. In general, the Romans were very power-hungry. This might be explained by the myth that they are descended from Romulus, who's father was Mars, the god of war. Their government loving tendencies have caused many, many civil wars. After type of government, the change has been made with a civil war. There have also been many civil wars between rulers. But it all boils down to wanting to be involved in government. When the Greeks finally entered Troy after ten long years of siege, a man named Aeneas escaped the city with his father, Anchises, and his son, Ascanius. They went to Mt. Ida, where they were to meet Aeneas' wife, Creusa, but she never showed up. Saddened, Aeneas acquired a boat and sailed around the Mediterranean. He bounced around from Asia Minor to Greece to Crete looking for a place to found a new Troy, but he couldn't find a satisfactory place. As told by Homer in the Aeneid, Aeneas was cared for by the gods. Venus, in particular, was very worried about him. She asked Jupiter, king of the gods about him, and he said this: "Since you are so consumed with anxiety for Aeneas, I shall turn forward far The hidden pages of fate and speak of the future. He shall conduct a great campaign for you. And conquer all Italy and its haughty peoples. He shall impose laws on his own people. And build walled cities for them; the third summer Shall see him rule in Latium, the third winter Of warfare see the Rutulians [an Italian tribe] subdued. But his son Ascanius... It is he who shall consolidate your power-For thirty years with all their turning months; Then shall he move his capital from Lavinium To Alba Longa, which he shall fortify To the uttermost; and there a line of kings... Shall reign and reign till Ilia [Rhea Silvia], a priestess Of royal blood, bear twins begotten by Mars; And one of these, Romulus, fostered by a she-wolf, And joyfully wearing her tawny hide, shall rule And found a city for Mars, a new city, And call his people Romans, af... are Republic, styled after the Romans. The Romans are probably the most influential people of all-time. Works Cited Actium, Battle of. Computer Software. Encarta Encyclopedia, 1996 ed. Adcock, F. E. Roman Political Ideas and Practice. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1959. Asimov, Isaac. The Roman Republic. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1966. Burrell, Roy. The Romans. Oxford: Oxford University, 1991. Caesar. Computer Software. Encarta Encyclopedia, 1996 ed. Caesar, Gaius Julius. Computer Software. Encarta Encyclopedia, 1996 ed. Gibson, Elke. Personal Interview. 19 March 1997. Nardo, Don. The Roman Republic. San Diego: Lucent, 1994. "The Reforms of Diocletian and Constantine." CIS: Research and Education (16 March 1997). Republic. Computer Software. Encarta Encyclopedia, 1996 ed. Rise of Rome (753-44 BC). Computer Software. Encarta Encyclopedia, 1996 ed. "Rome, Ancient - the Empire." CIS: http://isdup/menu/133.html; Research and Education, Academic American Encyclopedia; Grolier's (16 March 1997) . Rome, History of. Computer Software. Encarta Encyclopedia, 1996 ed. Sabines. Computer Software. Encarta Encyclopedia, 1996 ed.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Outsourcing and Negotiation in Project Management

The prevailing tendency of organizations is to concentrate on core activities and opt to outsource those activities which are considered to be noncore. 1) Discuss the concept of outsourcing, reason behind outsourcing and its challenges. Outsourcing is the act of one company contracting with another company to provide services that might otherwise be performed by in house employees. Often, the tasks that are outsourced could be performed by the company itself, but in many cases there are financial advantages that come from outsourcing.Many large companies now outsource jobs such as call centre services, email services and payroll. These jobs are handled by separate companies that specialize in each service. Outsourcing is therefore, the process of contracting an existing business function or process of an organization to another independent organization and ceasing to perform that function or process internally, instead, purchasing it as a service. Reasons for Outsourcing i. Cost redu ction/Cost Savings- outsourcing cuts costs such as labour costs, regulatory costs and training costs.Most companies that provide outsourcing services are able to do the work for considerably less money as they don't have to provide benefits to their workers and have fewer overhead expenses to worry about. ii. Focus on Core Business- companies are able to focus their money and resources more towards improving the core aspects of their business when outsourced. this allows the outsourcing company to build onto its core functions that keep the business running smoothly. iii. Access to more Knowledge, Talent and Experience- outsourcing means contracting to an organization that is more specialized in a particular area, e. . , payroll services. this means that the process that is outsourced will be performed in a more efficient and effective manner hence improved services. iv. Increased profits- due to the fact that some services or processes are outsourced at a cheaper cost, it means tha t the services/products a company offers will also be provided at an affordable price hence higher revenues. Cost savings and reduction also increases the profits. Challenges of Outsourcing i. Eliminates direct communication between a company and its clients especially in instances where customer service has been outsourced.This may prevent a company from building solid relationships with their customers which can lead to dissatisfaction. ii. The danger of not being able to control some aspects of a company which have been outsourced which can lead to delayed communication and project implementation. In turn, this can cause a company to become highly dependent on its outsource providers which can cause problems or complications should the outsource provider back out on the contract for one reason or another. iii. Any sensitive information is more vulnerable as there is reduced confidentiality and also the risk of leakage.Outsourcing means that some information needs to be shared wit h the outsource provider hence confidentiality is compromised. 2) Discuss the significance of negotiation and its approaches to achieve procurement objectives, factors influencing buyer negotiations, strengths and weaknesses of negotiation styles. Negotiation is dialogue between 2 or more people or parties intended to reach an understanding, resolve point of difference or gain advantage in outcome so as to satisfy various interests of the negotiating parties. It is therefore mutual discussion and arrangement of the terms of a transaction or agreement.It is a process where each party involved in negotiating tries to gain an advantage for themselves by the end of the process. Negotiation is intended to aim at compromise. Approaches to Negotiation i. Structural Approach Structural approaches consider negotiated outcomes to be a function of the characteristics or structural features that define each particular negotiation. These characteristics may include features such as the number of parties and issues involved and the composition or relative power of the competing parties.In this approach, there's an emphasis on the means parties bring to a negotiation. Power is thus the central determining factor in negotiation. In this view, the relative power of each negotiating party affects his/her ability to secure their individual goals. However, other factors such as negotiating skills can play a key role in shaping negotiated outcomes. Therefore, victory in negotiations does not always go to the party that is more powerful. Another limitation of structural approaches is their emphasis on taking positions.Negotiators should be aware that a blind attachment to winning from a negotiation regardless of the resulting satisfaction of other parties, can be a poor long term strategy if it means that the other side will lose its will or ability to maintain its side of the negotiated agreement. ii. Strategic Approach Here, the emphasis is on the role of ends (goals) in determin ing outcomes. Negotiators are viewed as rational decision makers with known alternatives who make choices guided by their calculation of which option will maximize their ends or gains.Actors choose from a choice set of possible actions in order to try and achieve desired outcomes. It's grounded in the belief that there is one best solution to every negotiation problem hence look for best solutions from all perspectives of a negotiation. iii. Behavioural Approach Behavioural approaches emphasize the role that negotiators' personalities or individual characteristics play in determining the course and outcome of negotiated agreements. It explains negotiations as interactions between personality types. It therefore, highlights human tendencies, emotions and skills.It may emphasize the role played by arts of persuasion, attitudes, trust, perception or misperception, individual motivation and personality in negotiated outcomes. iv. Integrative Approach Negotiations are viewed as interacti ons with win-win potential. It looks for ways of creating value so that there is more to share between parties as a result of negotiation. Uses objective criteria, looks to create conditions of mutual gain and emphasizes the importance of exchanging information between parties and group problem solving. It thus calls for participants to work jointly to create win-win solutions.It involves uncovering interests, generating options and searching for commonalities between parties. Objectives of Negotiation for Procurement 1. Obtain the quality specified- through negotiation, buyers and suppliers are able to reach a consensus on quality required for the products/services. 2. Obtain a fair and reasonable price. 3. Create a long term partnership with a highly qualified supplier- through negotiation, an organization is able to identify which supplier it best relates with hence creating a long term relationship. 4.To get the supplier to perform the contract on time- delivery date schedule fo r quantity and quality specified should be realistic. It's important that buyers negotiate delivery schedules which suppliers can realistically meet without endangering other requirements of the purchase. 5. To exert control over the manner in which the contract is performed- buyers need to negotiate for controls which will assure compliance with the quality, quantity, delivery and service terms of the contract. Factors Influencing Buyer Negotiations 1. Type of Buyer All buyers are not equal.Buyers have different acquisition objectives, growth and competitive pressures, availability of capital and the attendant costs, risk tolerance and adeptness at negotiating deals that will impact the amount they are willing to spend on procurement. 2. General Attractiveness of the Company Naturally, an asking price that is below market valuation will make a supplier more attractive. Also, an asking price that is in close proximity to a company's fair market valuation is also attractive. Therefor e, factors that make a supplier attractive include: †¢ Strong management A strong balance sheet †¢ High growth rate †¢ Leadership or dominance in the market Such factors will attract buyers since the supplier will be viewed as dependable or reliable. 3. Financial Parameters A buyer's financial parameters that determine what to be paid include: internal cash available for procurement and the amount they are willing to invest in a single procurement deal. 4. Relative Negotiation Skill and Bargaining Leverage of the Parties As a buyer, the amount of money you will pay will be influenced by your negotiation skills, bargaining leverage and time constraints.For example, if the products/services are required urgently, then you might not have enough time to bargain for a good deal. Ultimately, the greatest power possessed by both the buyer and seller is to walk away or end the negotiation process. 5. Buyer's Experience with Prior Suppliers The amount of money that a buyer is willing to pay is influenced by prior experience. If the buyer paid a high price in the past and the supplier failed to deliver, they will think long and hard before offering an overly generous price and vice versa. 6. Inherent Risk Factors and the Buyer's ToleranceRisk can be defined as the possibility of a bad outcome or the uncertainty of a desired outcome. Tolerance of risk is a buyer's willingness to accept and manage risks that can come about say due to a delayed or even failed delivery. When it comes to negotiation, the biggest risk is overpayment then the product/service procured does not meet the specifications or is not even delivered. 7. General Market and Economic Conditions Economic and market conditions strongly influence buyers. Favourable economic conditions means that buyers are willing to spend more; unfavourable economic conditions means that buyers will reduce on their spending.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Critical Aspects Of Social Work Essay - 1496 Words

One of the key things that stood out for me while doing this course and before has made me realize that social work is harder than I thought it would be. There are many critical aspects of social work that help us work with clients. One of the biggest things that have stood out for me was that helping people is more complicated than I thought there are so many critical things in the process that work to help others. Therefore it is not as easy as I expected it would be. The main reasons that I wanted to do this course was because I ultimately wanted to do to help people. I have learned that many factors come into play in the field of social work, including levels of practice, ethics and critical reflection and self-care. While I have been at university and doing the social work course I come to realize that the levels of social work are broken down into three different categories they are micro, mezzo and macro social work, therefore, going from the little picture to the bigger pict ure stuff which relates to the system theory. Systems theory allows the client and the social worker can create an interconnected relationship with all forms (Moore, 2009. P86). From what I have learned is that there are many roles and responsibilities and power that a social worker has on the person they are helping. Therefore, I have discovered that a practice framework comes from many different aspects of learning through university and all throughout our lives. I have learned thatShow MoreRelatedCritical Theory, Functionalism And Symbolic Interactionism Essay1351 Words   |  6 Pagesthree major theories; critical theory, functionalism and symbolic interactionism. 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